
What I always mistake about minimum spanning tree (MST) with Prim's algorithm

Study noteAlgorithmPrimMinimum Spanning TreeMSTPriorityQueueGreedypython


This is a post for a brief explanation of the algorithm. This is a note mainly for what I always mistake when solving the minimum spanning tree (MST) using Prim's algorithm. Thus, it will shortly focus on the algorithm and try to look more at what we have to be careful.

What is Minimum Spanning Tree(MST)?

When you are given a graph that is acyclic(no-cycle),

  • It goes all the noes in the graph
  • No cycle in the tree
  • The cost(weight) is minimum
mst example

(Cited from Wikipedia)

What is Prim's algorithm?


  • Basically, uses greedy with PriorityQueue
  • We focus on "Node" (technically edge)
  • We always try to select the node which costs a minimum to go there
    • in other words, we always try to select the lowest cost edge
mst, prim animatio (Cited from Wikipedia)

Flow(Sudo code)

  1. Select one node (any node is ok) and enqueue to the PriorityQueue(pq)
    1. what you enqueue is (node, cost from the previous node -> to the node).
  2. Dequeue from the pq as current node cur_node
  3. If you already visited the node, ignore
    1. Otherwise, mark as "visited" for cur_node
    2. Also, append the node to the array which represents the MST.
  4. Look at all nodes(next_node) that are adjacent to cur_node
    1. Enqueue each next_node to the pq as (next_node, cost cur_node-next_node).
  5. Loop 2-4 until pq gets empty


The queue of pq can be (cur_node, cost) or (pre_node, cur_node, cost). It depends on what you want about MST. If you need the whole MST tree, you need both pre_node and cur_node to create an edge. If you need cost only, just cur_node is ok. This is why the queue could be both "Node" and "Edge", and this is the reason that most article describes Prim focuses on "node", wheres actually some people uses edge.


You don't have to loop until pq gets empty. We can stop if we can know we go all noes. How do we assume? If we keep MST as an array, we can know the size of MST. Since MST goes all nodes only once, the length of the MST is exactly the same as the number of vertexes.

Thus, we can stop loop when len(pq) == #all nodes

What I always mistake and have to be careful

  • PQ can be node or edge. The queue is ([pre_node(optional)], cur_node, cost from pre to cur)
  • You can stop loop when you went all noes. len(pq) == #all nodes
  • "Right After" dequeue from PQ, we check if visited, and mark as visited

Code sample

sample graph (Cited from Wikipedia)

The input graph is the same to which is in the photo.

import heapq

adj_graph = {
    'A': [(1,'B'), (4,'D'), (3,'E')],
    'B': [(1,'A'), (4,'D'), (2,'E')],
    'D': [(4,'A'), (4,'B'), (4,'E')],
    'E': [(3,'A'), (2,'B'), (4,'D'), (4,'C'),(7,'F')],
    'C': [(4,'E'), (5,'F')],
    'F': [(3,'C'), (5,'E'), (7,'D')],

def findMst(graph):

    # prepare visited
    visited = {}
    for key in adj_graph:
        visited[key] = False

    # This is for calc cost
    total_cost = 0
    count = 0

    # (cost, cur_node)
    # heapq in python looks first element as priority
    pq = []
    heapq.heappush(pq, (0, 'A'))

    while pq:
        cur_cost, cur_node = heapq.heappop(pq)
        # Check and mark
        if visited[cur_node]:
        visited[cur_node] = True
        total_cost += cur_cost

        # if all visited? -> stop
        count += 1
        if count == len(adj_graph):

            return total_cost

        # look around
        for next_cost, next_node in adj_graph[cur_node]:
            heapq.heappush(pq, (next_cost, next_node))

print(findMst(adj_graph)) #16
